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![]() Xue er 89's Been blogging since 2005. I have a TUMBLR page, where I reblog stuff. I believe in dressing fashionably. "YOU CAN NEVER BE OVERDRESSED." Oh and I have a "disease", I only wear new clothes on Saturday, don't ask me why, when you're sick, you are. Don't underestimate my camwhore skills,I have AT LEAST one selfie per week. Let's love life & live well. Feel free click "comment" to comment anything at the end of each post. xoxo. ➳ The beginning of a New chapter. (Just click!) 02 03 04
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Monday, September 29, 2014
The closest to home-cooked.
Zi Char is the ever-closest-alike to home-cooked food.
It's a selection of a few dishes with a bowl/plate of rice. You will have fish, pork/chicken/beef, soup and veggies. It was for theboys' mummy Birthday dinner and we dine
at a Kopitiam located at Pasir Ris namely, 446 F&B Pte Ltd.
Auntie chose this place as she said its zi char is famous
but uncle on the other hand was another fussy eater.
He was wondering how nice can a Kopitiam food taste? haha!
Why should I outcast Kopitiam?
Before we started eating, there's a lady, from our nearby table screamed
because a rat/cockroach fell on her legs, out of nowhere. (some say rat, some say cockroach)
I was dining with both of my legs up on my chair. hahaha
And while we were dining, another big, red ants crawled on theboys' sister hand.
Very much grossed by now.
Nevertheless, I feel that the food is really okay.
The fish soup pot is awesome in its way.
Didn't take picture of the fish soup as I wasn't dining with my own family members.
It will be damn paiseh to snap away, however, I was given some time to snap some other food.
So here's what I've got.
I'm allergic to Salted eggs but I did get to try the meat itself and
avoided the outer layer. It's not sweet at all but however, meaty. Tofuuuuu~ I love tofu. No matter what kind of cooking style, I simply love tofu.
I love broccoli too, they had it cooked the way I love.
It's soft, made it easy to chew. Razor clams on the other hand was taste-less. It is also my favorite but I guess I like it raw. Sum it all up, it wasn't about me liking the food but its for theboys' family. Overall the dining experience was 6.5/10. Bad ratings due to the hygiene of the dining area. I believe you won't want to dine halfway and have something creepy hopping unto you?
Labels: food blogging, food review, foodporn, kopitiam, sgblogger, zi char
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Alexander 1st Birthday!
To be living in the now-days, we all know that technologies are replacing our earth.
Perhaps, there would be a electronic Earth in future? hahaha.
Can't imagine it at all!
Last Sunday, it was my super friendly Nephew 1 year old birthday party.
Had a family gathering.
My dad is now using Samsung S5, so Uncle C came and said:
"wah, you also know how to use this kind of phone?"
Daddy went on showing them how to play a fishing app game.
Uncle C then "flashed" out his Iphone 6 and said his wife and him is
using Iphone 6 plus & Iphone 6 each.
Daddy asked if they 'd joined the queue, they said no, simply just order online.
So here comes the Birthday Cake cutting time.
Everyone starts to take out their mobile phone.
While, I took out my Samsung NX Mini and snap away.
Aunt G, start to discuss about her Iphone 6 too. Aunt G then came to me and asked: "girl.. you never buy uh? Latest one leh." I was like: "nope, I have no interest in Iphone, my this camera is new and awesome." She went on asking: "can send to phone meh?" Of course, I can connect to Wifi and NFC! Love these clear pictures! It was a constant war between Samsung VS. Iphone
hahaha but everyone seems to be happy about their purchase in anyway.
I'm still fascinated by my new camera, hahaha! This is my technology-savvy family, we are never outdated in technologies. Some people might find us stupid, but what matter to us most, is not money BUT HAPPINESS!
Labels: behappy, samsung vs. iphone, technology-savvy, world is changing
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Finally I got my dream camera just last friday,
Samsung NX Mini with 9.27mm lens.
Got it from a seller on "Carousell", at the price of $530 nett.
It was brand new and sealed.
Came with digipod, camera case, 8gb memory card and of course.. Warranty.
I'm so in love with it.
To be frank, I'm not very good with cameras.
Intitially, I thought that 9.27mm lens is just an "add-on" lens to 9mm lens. Errr meaning.. if I didn't fixed 9.27mm, I will still have 9mm lens on the camera, But I was so wrong. If you bought 9.27mm means without 9.27mm lens, your camera is len-less! So please take note.
Also back then, before selling away my Samsung MV800, I was just using it's basic function.
It's always on "smart" mode, #forlazyandnoobpeople hahaha!
So, for this new camera, I took some time to figure out how to use those function,
am learning to change mode according to how I want the snaps to be like.
So what do I love about this camera so far?
1. It is in sweet, babypink.
2. It is light, although not lighter than my MV800 but it's fine.
3. The LCD screen can be flip 180degrees, same as my MV800 but it's 20.5MP VS. 16,1MP!
I am a #selfiequeen
4. Long Lasting Battery, say byebye to autoshut cammy!
Why do I wanna get new camera and sold the old one? - new one has new function such as WiFi and NFC. (I can sync my good quality pictures to my phone now and update my instagram, on the go) - Better quality picture for my blogging purposes. (I don't want my readers to feel cheated with lousy quality picture in my blog post.)
- I got this at a real good deal, so why should I missed this good price?
Oh! There's just one thing in particular that I dislike about.
The F.O.C camera case doesn't protect my interchangeable lens ):
So now I'm in need of good quality NX Mini's casing which I can
protect both the body & its lens. For now, I'll just keep the lens and body apart but it's so not convenient. Whenever I wanna sna photos, I will have to take out the camera then the lens, remove their protective covers and snap. I am so going to get a proper casing soon.
It is a camera that suits me. As the rest of the good camera are too big.
I was actually comparing between
SONY A5000 VS. SAMSUNG NX MINI. theboy told me Sony look too big for me. So, I got NX mini. Get what's suitable for yourself. ;)
Labels: best quality, camera, keepyourstyle, samsung, samsung nx mini reviews, sgblogger, singapore
Monday, September 22, 2014
A taste that I'll never forget.
Sorry for not updating as frequent.
Not sure why my laptop has so many irritating pop-up ads, recently!
I got to refresh a thousand time to get to this posting page.
Pretty much pissed. :/
I'm here to brag about this awesome burger.
Probably the best burger I ever had, in my coming to 25th years on this earth.
I just wanna say, the smellies won't introduce lousy food to us!
Had OMAKASE BURGER two weeks back, it is so good.
Anyway, I was at the Turf City outlet but there's another outlet in Wisma
They have different menu at these two different outlet.
"We grind, blend and hand-farm our patties to ensure freshness and quality."
This very much describe the texture of the patties which you can expect from Omakase.
I wanted Bacon Cheeseburger but theboy actually missed out my order.
Nevertheless, their classic Cheeseburger is still good. The main lead here is the beef and not anything else. It's soft and chewy just like minced pork (but beef.) The cheese for their cheesefries is overwhelming. Except that if you're not a "cheesy" person, you probably feel sick after awhile.
Even after two weeks, I still remember how it taste like.
Simply a good choice for lover of Beef.
Give it a try!
Omakase Burger @ Grandstand
200 Turf Club Road #01-05
Bukit Timah, Singapore 287994
Contact: +65 6763 2698
Mon – Thu 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Operating Hours: From 5:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Last order 9.00pm)
Fri – Sun: From 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM (Last order 9.30pm)
Labels: beef, burger, food blogging, food review, foodporn, makan place, omasake burger, sg food, sgblogger, turf city, what to eat in singapore, yummy
Thursday, September 11, 2014
NEVER will I ever.
I am here today to blacklist this steamboat off my dining list.
I had this with the friends & theboy, last Sunday.
Fresh ✘
Waiting Time ✘
Worth the wait ✘
Service ✘
Diarrhea ✔
Let's play spot the difference.
We reached there about 8.20 p.m, was asked to wait for another10 mins.
but we waited more than 10 mins. Look at the presentation of the food. Crystal Jade Steamboat's chicken/meats are all stick and stuck together. The color of the beef looks dull. Our soup base was a bi-combination of Pig Bone Soup with Sweet Corn and Chinese Parsley & Preserved egg Soup. Even though, the soup is okay.. and they have free flow of Xiao Long Bao. And I also love the Fried Mantou.
It isn't enough to win me over.
The price is only about $10-20, apart but Hai Di Lao
Yet the difference is rather huge. At 1.30a.m, I was awaken by my intestine & tummy as they were battling hard. I had diarrhea for two days! I don't know is it me or what but I only had Mcdonalds for breakfast in the morning and I skipped lunch. So what could it be? It's disgusting to see whole chunk of meat been thrown into the soup, just because it's inseparable!
I'm surprised there's many people, nevertheless.
This can never be compared to my Hai Di Lao. xoxo. Labels: crystal jade steamboat, food blogging, food review, Hai Di lao, sg food, sgblogger, steamboat review
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
It will give you a Heart Attack.
Last Friday, before catching "Step Up All in" at Ang Mo Kio Hub.
We had Eighteen Chef (18 Chef).
It's my second time having Eighteen Chef and thanks to thelover, Aud.
She always recommend the best food!
Love what I ate.. it's was so damn juicy and yummy.
It is called "HA Fried Rice" as "HA" stands for "Heart Attack"
They actually did sell portion for two, John and Aud had it.
I regretted not sharing this with theboy. I went on to order Striplion Steak. Right after he tasted the beef he said: "baby.. this taste exactly like the beef you like in Taiwan!" WIN LIAO LO~!
They were so nice to me that they spared some for me. hehe.
Better than nothing! I now know what I can order next time if I'm dining at 18 chef again.
It's fries with cheese and spicy beef sauce!
It's so yummy but too spicy for me. Today, my main lead of this post is the HA FRIED RICE! Give it a try next time when you hit 18-chef! Let me know it you love it like I do.
Labels: dining experience, eighteen chef, food blogging, food review, heart attack fried rice, sgblogger, singapore
Friday, September 5, 2014
Who don't want to be a millionaire?
It was just another day whereby I'll scroll through my facebook newsfeed.
Chance upon this article: Internet Millionaire (Michelle Tan)
I think I'm greedy.
Previously I posted.. I wanted to be pretty.
Today, I'm here talking about MONEY (moolah). hahaha!
So.. there I was at the site, did some reading and click on.. Michelle Tan claimed that she's earning $7000 - $8000 per month just by staying home? through this thing called "Internet Millionaire". Quoted: "Here's how to get started:
Step 1
Go to Internet Millionaire, and fill out the form to get instant activation.
Step 2
Follow the instructions at Internet Millionaire and set up your account.
Then they will show you what to do. Everything gets tracked.
Step 3
Deposit your earnings by check or direct bank transfer.
(Making money has never been so easy. Get ready for your life to change.)
Associated Links:
Internet Millionaire - OFFICIAL WEBSITE
(WARNING - Offer Expires On September 6, 2014)"
You will be re-directed to the "official website" which doesn't look professional in any ways.
In a way "scamming-looking", I would say.
When I was on the link yesterday, I remembered clearly it was stated
"(WARNING - Offer Expires On September 5, 2014)".
Today it state "September 6".
Maybe you can try it tomorrow? hahaha!
I went on.. click and tried to see if I was eligble for it.
I was then linked to another page where they state "
Okay. Anything that has to do with money now..
But I found nothing, apparently there's something called "12 Month Millionaire". I guess it's very much similar to this "Internet Millionaires". So I was contemplating on whether to spend that 5 bucks just to test it out.
It says after 7-days trial, you have to pay SGD110 per month to continue this thing. You better read ALL the Terms and Conditions on weird websites!
So now.. think about it..
1) If I'm really earning thousands from this website, this monthly payment won't really ache much? 2) But then if I really went on and in the end its a scam I'll end up stupid? hahahah.. so how now brown cow?!
Now here's it.. I'm old enough to know that those testimony/ reviews
which said it really works, might just be a scam? It's not hard to get people to post good reviews on one website. Moreover, they had stopped the review section. FISHY! Guys.. it's really tempting but always remember.
Nothing is free in this world.
Unless, God super favored you but I know He will never favored to the extend that you don't have to work. Sometimes.. after reading all these website, there may be a sudden greed. Who don't want to be rich?! But don't fall into the traps. I didn't try, so I don't know if it really work. Share with me your real experience. Tell me if this is real. But for now, I don't believe. #Iamonlyhuman.
Labels: be wary, facebook ads, fraud, internet millionaire, online scam, pay and pay, scam or real
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Beauty without surgery.
I was a little crazy and curious.
I'll be heading to Bangkok next month and I had a crazy idea to get fillers in BKK.
The price could be cheaper by half or less a little than Singapore.
Yay, I was referring to NOSE FILLERS, the expensive jab just to look good.
I have friends who did theirs in BKK, so I went to google for good and reputable clinics.
I admit that I was tempted but what I saw no longer seems tempting.
I AM NOT GOING TO DO, hahaha :x
I actually key in "Best fillers clinic in Bangkok" on Google search.
Read through some of the forums and came across this THE KLINIQUE
This clinic was reviewed as a clinic which does fillers injection at reasonable price.
So I tried to look for price but there isn't any.
I went on to read through the website.
Here I was looking at this "Misko stretched nose Korean techniques".
Disclaimer: All photos were extracted from TheKlinique and I did some cropping.
This is not advertorial for the clinic. Just personal opinions on my personal blog. Pretty isn't it? However, as I scrolled down the page, through the process.. I was like "WHATTTTT?!" When will I have such courage to poke these needles? Seems like you got to pay a big price to be pretty. I really salute those people that went under knifes (from the bottom of my heart.) I'm really afraid of injection but yet I really want to be pretty. It's like a dream that's impossible to me. Are you ready for this change? How much are you willing to pay? I have so many doubts & fears.
Think through before every decision.
Labels: bangkok, beauty, fillers, nose fillers, pain or gain, pay the price, the klinique, yay or nay
Monday, September 1, 2014
Up and coming!
I hardly blog these days as I was really busy.. with life.
HAHAHA like duh.. I was actually busy planning my next trip.
Today, I wanna share my joy~
I'm a person who have to travel at least 3 times a year.
This year January, I went Hong Kong with theboy.
May, I went Taiwan with theboy too. This time I'm heading to Bangkok with my BFF, Grace.
I'm a little happy but yet a little fearful.
My first and last Bangkok trip was about 5-6 years ago.
The moment I touched down I could feel the difference in the air. Most of us should know Thailand are really quite good for their black magic and all kinds of sorcery or even witchcraft. The hotel not to mention was a little scary. Praying hard that this time will be different.
Bad experience in shopping also because I can't really find the clothes that I like.
I ended up buying things from Siam Paragon.. Topshop, Zara and etc.
I especially love Zara's TRF series.
The norm nightmarket's product material wasn't in favor of mine.
And can't I cannot try.. I ended up getting all the things that doesn't fit me.
So big and so loose.. holely moley hahaha!
Anyway, yea that's the reason why Bangkok was like last choice on my travelling list.
Cheaters everywhere, I remembered being cheated.
They bring you to places you don't want to go to.
Not sure if I'm unlucky or what.
Anyway, this year I've decided to give BKK another chance!
Please do not disappoint me.
I've seen friends shop till drop.. why was mine so different? ):
Can someone tell me what's or where is good?
Introduce to me some good places to shop good quality clothes?
I need some suggestion!
Was really happy that our hotel is damn cheap and it's W Bangkok Hotel!
As atas as W Singapore!
Thanks to BFF's sister for the perks.
Our stay for 3 nights is only SGD260 for 2 pax!
Our Flight is about SGD351 per pax.
Rather reasonable.. I really can't wait for this getaway!
I need shopping and I need a breather.
Do drop me suggestion in the comment box below if you know Bangkok well!
Appreciate much!
Labels: bangkok, need some suggestion, please help, tell me where to go in bangkok, travel the world | ||||||||||||||||||||