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![]() Xue er 89's Been blogging since 2005. I have a TUMBLR page, where I reblog stuff. I believe in dressing fashionably. "YOU CAN NEVER BE OVERDRESSED." Oh and I have a "disease", I only wear new clothes on Saturday, don't ask me why, when you're sick, you are. Don't underestimate my camwhore skills,I have AT LEAST one selfie per week. Let's love life & live well. Feel free click "comment" to comment anything at the end of each post. xoxo. ➳ Twenty-one-inch pizza (Just click!) 02 03 04
This page has moved to a new address. 2021 22 23 Cybercrime | Self- Infliction yay or nay? 24 2526
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Cybercrime | Self- Infliction yay or nay?
Latest news circulating on facebook in the bloggers world now..
"TeyCindy stalked by #WHY."
It was circulated by some of my facebook friends and after reading the whole article, I have so many thoughts that I wanna pen it down.
Article: i-am-a-victim-of-cybercrime
When you're a victim of cybercrime, what should you be thinking?
Once, I also had someone(considered as a friend), she would asked me a lot of questions:-
1) Where do you usually do your shopping
2) What's your favorite food
3) Where do you usually cut your hair
Whenever she sees me, she will comment that she likes my this or love my that and
sometimes she'll even make weird compliments that will literally blow off my mind.
Back then, I was super into parties and bustiers.
I was already dining in cafes or restaurants.
I have my favourite-one-and-only hairstylist in Singapore, Kason.
She even added "er" behind her name, just like my name "Xue Er".
I certainly knows how terrible is that feeling to have someone trying to imitate everything of yours.
Mine, was to face a "REAL-LIFE-STALKER-CRIME" almost every weekend.
I did felt very uncomfortable, but my friends and I just joke it off all the time.
On the brighter side, you're special, that person looked up to you or love your fashion sense.
However, on the dark side.. the person is like a pest to you.
Uh-huh wait. Think about it again.. CYBERcrime.
Something that gotto do with CYBER, the internet.
a) There's millions of user online, all at once almost every minute.
We are living in "Google-tells-you-everything" era you know?
b) Your social media's profile is not private ENOUGH. (Facebook, Instagram, Blogs or etc..)
- Facebook maybe its in private mode, but how private?
As a facebook user for years, do you know that if your friend share your post, everything can be seen clearly unless the privacy is set properly, continuously? (if one person sets it public, that's it.)
My point is, its private yet not private.
Only you can ensure your own privacy. - Instagram, if your profile is NOT private then you shouldn't blame others for copying your images? Oh wait.. not copying your images but maybe copying your style, your captions or even the way you take pictures.
i. Copy your fashion style
(Singapore is so small, only a few famous boutiques, zara, topshop, F21, new look and etc, carrying the same range of clothes, in-trend in its time, how to determine someone is copying your style unless the person matched EVERYTHING (top-toe) just like you did?)
Moreover, no one will put off the clothings the same way, exactly like how you did.
Don't worry.
ii. Copy of captions
(If copying of captions is cybercrime, everyone will be busying reporting cybercrime because captions are common and subjective, you can easily find 1000 same captions in 1000 different pictures such as those famous quotes.)
iii. Copy the way you take picture
(For e.g: Selfie. How many angles can you pose to take a selfie? Tilt left, tilt right, lie down, stand up and etc. So many people taking same kind of photos, same pose or even same angle.. cybercrime? No time.)
I think at the end of the day, it's really up to you to post what you wanna post. You posted = You want/ allow people to view, You wanna share.. be it nice food, cheap clothes or deals. Whether someone is going to copy you anot, it's not within your control, never. I remember when I'm back into blogging in blogspot, my Facebook, tumblr, twitter and etc can be easily available on the left column in my blog and the boy warned me not to give too much information online. Let's be straightforward, you wanna post, you don't make noise when someone starts to stalk or copy you. If you wanna stop cybercrime, the best way is to get off the cyberworld.
Take it easy and just be happy.
** The above post is just my personal opinion. Not against TeyCindy (I don't know her, she don't know me.) and of course I'm NOT for #WHY definitely. Just that the boy asked me if I know about these issue few days ago and today I had a clear read of the post and I am just penning down my thoughts. I am against stalker but I know I can't stop anyone from stalking. This article is just for reference.
Some personal opinions on my own space won't hurt ya? **
Labels: #why, cybercrime, facebook, how to face stalker, instagram, personaly opinions; self-infliction, picture, sgblogger, singapore, stalker, teycindy, what is cybercrime, yay or nay |